Category Archives: board games


From spiritualism to demonic possession and creepy sleepovers the spirit board or talking board has a long and sorted past. Some use the Ouija to talk to angles, spirits or their own subconscious. Although the visual ascetics might change from board to board the components of yes, no, the alphabet and numbers as well as the sun and moon generally stay the same. The planchette or “little plank” is of course used to roam around the board at your fingertips giving you messages from beyond. So if you’re deciding if you should listen to this episode the Ouija points to “Yes”.

Companion Video:

Official Curioso T-shirt:

Mentioned in this episode:

How the ouija board really moves Elija Bond's final resting place The Strange and Mysterious History of the Ouija Board The world’s foremost collector and expert on Ouija and Talking Boards Joan Rivers' Ouija Board Encounter DIY Ouija Board coffee table The Museum of Talking Boards Author Karen A. Dahlman explains the many positive benefits of using the Ouija How the Ouija got it's Name Antique Ouija boards for sale Do you have a Ouija board? Ouija Movie

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mini-Ouija Ouija Board Classic Ouija Cutting Board Mens Ouija shirt Ouija t-shirt Ouija Leggings The Most Dangerous Game Ouija Hinge Wallet Ouija Wallet




From spiritualism to demonic possession and creepy sleepovers the spirit board or talking board has a long and sorted past. Some use the Ouija to talk to angles, spirits or their own subconscious. Although the visual ascetics might change from board to board the components of yes, no, the alphabet and numbers as well as the sun and moon generally stay the same. The planchette or “little plank” is of course used to roam around the board at your fingertips giving you messages from beyond. So if you’re deciding if you should listen to this episode the Ouija points to “Yes”.

Companion Video:

Official Curioso T-shirt:

Mentioned in this episode:

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