Category Archives: icon

063-Toynbee Tiles?


IN Kubrick’s 2001



If you came across this message embedded into the asphalt what would you think? Is is some kind of religious fervor? Maybe some kind of science fiction viral media campaign? The truth is that we may never know but that doesn’t mean we cant get close to the truth. Remember when you’re sightseeing looking down can be just as interesting as looking up.

We want to thank our guest Greg Hatem from Bazaar for joining us.


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Nikola Tesla was a Serbian born inventor and genius whose creations are in almost every electrical gadget we use today. Although he had an amazing mind capable of engineering feats unfathomable by lesser men, he did not have a mind for business. Consequently he passed away almost penniless, being the last of many devastating tragedies in his life. It almost caused him to largely be forgotten in history books. It would take until the internet age where his legacy has taken on a second life being universally hailed as a technological (and nerd) icon.


Hobo Trashcan

Hobo Trashcan

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1938d9d5261b401bbf85a5eb308b2d95_three_column tesla-wardenclyffe frontpics Lightning Field 1 nikola-tesla-H

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Nikola Tesla was a Serbian born inventor and genius whose creations are in almost every electrical gadget we use today. Although he had an amazing mind capable of engineering feats unfathomable by lesser men, he did not have a mind for business. Consequently he passed away almost penniless, being the last of many devastating tragedies in his life. It almost caused him to largely be forgotten in history books. It would take until the internet age where his legacy has taken on a second life being universally hailed as a technological (and nerd) icon.


Hobo Trashcan

Hobo Trashcan

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GWAR is one of the most controversial rock groups in american history. With their elaborate back story and costumes they certainly make a striking and unique presentation.

Win a Gwar Tiki Mug by giving us a review on Itunes (or your favorite podcatcher) and sending a screen cap of it to! The give away ends August 11 2015!


Mentioned in this Episode:

Master-Case-Front-1-courtesy-Black-Iris-Music gwar20151 SONY DSC 09242012_gwar oderusgwarhorns_638 17itopbf55s6ujpg gwar1 oderus610-720x832 blothergwar gwar_vulvatron-thumb-560x373 960 tbw_gwarinside100308_40350a_8col 140324-gwar Gwar 5853494288_ebfed2a431_n

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poster skull shirt 615cyKFSwBL._SL250_


GWAR is one of the most controversial rock groups in american history. With their elaborate back story and costumes they certainly make a striking and unique presentation.

Win a Gwar Tiki Mug by giving us a review on Itunes (or your favorite podcatcher) and sending a screen cap of it to! The give away ends August 11 2015!


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