Category Archives: cartography

074-Sea Serpents?

Sea serpents have been spotted all over the world on coasts and lakes for centuries. They can be found on medieval maps as warnings and ancient cave walls. They have been weaved through mythology throughout the ages and not they are here on The Curioso.

Mentioned in this Episode:

frilled shark The Enchanting Sea Monsters on Medieval Maps The Water Panther (Mishipeshu) sea serpent attacks Great New England Sea Serpent The Definitive Sea Serpent Alligator Gar NYC Man Confirms Sea Serpent Sighting To The NY Times In 1895


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074-Sea Serpents?

Sea serpents have been spotted all over the world on coasts and lakes for centuries. They can be found on medieval maps as warnings and ancient cave walls. They have been weaved through mythology throughout the ages and not they are here on The Curioso.

Mentioned in this Episode:


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