Category Archives: puppets

Hobo Radio 356 – Kelly Lloyd, Ghost Hunter

This week, Joel Murphy and Lars Periwinkle are joined by Baltimore Improv Group performer (and previous guest Dave LaSalle‘s fiancée) Kelly Lloyd.

They talk about Kelly’s journey into improv, debate the existence of ghosts and look back at the summer blockbusters from July 1995.

Can Lars stop Dave and Kelly’s wedding? What surprising DVD is in Kelly’s collection? How would you rank the Ghostbusters in order of dreaminess? The answers to these questions and more are in this week’s podcast.

This week’s music:

  • Intro – “Back to Me” by Tahuna Breaks
  • End – “Lucy” by Tab & Anitek


Hobo Radio is part of the Thunder Grunt Podcast Network. Hear more shows at

Hobo Radio Puppet Theatre Presents: What Is A Hallway?

Sports terminology can be tricky. Even a simple sport that most people know how to play – like bowling – has its own intricate jargon used to describe the equipment and the facilities. And, as this week’s Hobo Radio Puppet Theatre shows, using the wrong terminology can turn a fun day of bowling into a shouting match in seconds.

The audio for this week’s Hobo Radio Puppet Theatre comes from Hobo Radio 256 – Ribs and salsa music. You can listen to full episodes by visiting the archives or subscribing on iTunes or on Stitcher.

[Special thanks to the ridiculously talented Jane Wynn for making these awesome puppets and to the great Kate Learson for making the video look amazing.]