Category Archives: announcement

The Dawn of a New Era!

I have been running the web content side of the Curioso podcast for several years with my friend Joe, who does the sound editing. We started that show because we love talking about strange and bizarre things. We are suckers for Ripley’s Believe it or not as well as circus sideshow and dime museums.

My wife Dana has been on the Curioso several times as a knowledgeable guest pertaining mostly to biology. Regardless of the episode it’s always great to involve her in one of my passions, podcasting.

We have recently bought the newest Final Fantasy game to be released and having this game on the brain Dana and I couldn’t seem to stop talking about it. The dungeons that have to be trudged through, the bosses that have to be defeated and the size of the fish that we had caught we frequent topics around our home. I suddenly had an idea.

We decided to create a podcast dedicated to Final Fantasy. Several days went by discussing what the name of the show should be as well as the rating system for the episodes. We think at this point we have nailed down most of the larger ideas. We are going the work on the finer points as we roll along.

All of this I wrote in order to welcome you to Giant Swords and Crystals, a podcast dedicated to Final Fantasy. We are hoping to get some audio up on the site soon. This is going to be exciting.

-Chris Scarborough