All posts by Silver Linings Playback

Silver Linings Playback 10 – Batman & Robin


Joel Murphy and Andy McIntyre are continuing their quest to watch maligned movies in hopes of finding a silver lining.

For the month of July, they are watching maligned superhero movies.

They start the month with Batman & Robin, which is generally regarded as the low point in Batman movies. (It ended the franchise launched by Tim Burton and Michael Keaton and convinced Warner Bros. to reboot everything, which lead to Batman Begins.) Joel and Andy pay tribute to its beloved director – the late, great Joel Schumacher – and find the film’s silver lining.

Theme Song: “Bankin’” by Bronson Scott

Silver Linings Playback is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at

Silver Linings Playback 9 – A Wrinkle in Time


Joel Murphy and Andy McIntyre are continuing their quest to watch maligned movies in hopes of finding a silver lining.

For the month of June, they are watching blockbuster films that were meant to be the start of franchises … but weren’t.

To close out the month, they are examining Ava DuVernay’s 2018 adaptation of Madeleine L’Engl’s novel A Wrinkle in Time. Despite being a Disney film with a big name supporting cast, it lost money at the box office. Joel and Andy try to figure out why it wasn’t a bigger success.

Theme Song: “Bankin’” by Bronson Scott

Silver Linings Playback is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at

Silver Linings Playback 8 – John Carter


Joel Murphy and Andy McIntyre are continuing their quest to watch maligned movies in hopes of finding a silver lining.

For the month of June, they are watching blockbuster films that were meant to be the start of franchises … but weren’t.

This week, they watch John Carter, a sci-fi epic based on a series of books by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Civil War veteran John Carter accidentally ends up on Mars (or, uh, Barsoom) in the midst of the planet’s own civil war. It’s a film that tanked at the box office in 2012, but together Joel and Andy will find its silver lining.

Theme Song: “Bankin’” by Bronson Scott

John Carter

Silver Linings Playback is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at

Silver Linings Playback 7 – The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen


Joel Murphy and Andy McIntyre are continuing their quest to watch maligned movies in hopes of finding a silver lining.

For the month of June, they are watching blockbuster films that were meant to be the start of franchises … but weren’t.

This week, they watch The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, a film so bad that it caused Sean Connery to quit acting and Alan Moore to stop putting his name on film adaptations of his comic books. However, together Joel and Andy will find the film’s silver lining.

Theme Song: “Bankin’” by Bronson Scott

Silver Linings Playback is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at

Silver Linings Playback 6 – Godzilla (1998)


Joel Murphy and Andy McIntyre are continuing their quest to watch maligned movies in hopes of finding a silver lining.

For the month of June, they are watching blockbuster films that were meant to be the start of franchises … but weren’t.

This week, they watch the 1998 Godzilla film directed by Roland Emmerich and starring Matthew Broderick. (It also features a supporting cast of not one, not two, but three Simpsons actors.) With a soundtrack that slaps and a proven monster flick formula, it should have been a big hit … but wasn’t. However, together Joel and Andy will find its silver lining.

Theme Song: “Bankin’” by Bronson Scott


Silver Linings Playback is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at