All posts by Patrick Storck, John Bennett

Experts of Canada!

America is the greatest nation in the world, and just up North is the greatest step-nation in the world! They provide some of our best entertainers and athletes, and MORE! Want to know more about our chilly companions? Join us and our guests Brad Bukowsky, Cole Grinnell, Mark Miller, Mike Smith, Heiko Spieker, and Aaron Travis!

Experts of Harry Potter!

You don't have to go to Hogwarts for seven years to become a wizard anymore! Thanks to podcasting technology, we have packaged everything you need to know into about an hour and a half! The sorting hat selected as House Expert this time Brad Bukowsky, Erin Fox, Caitlin Rife, Danielle Robinette, Meghan Taylor, and Lori Travis.

Experts of The Internet!

It's been around for most of our lives. Some of us grew up never knowing a day without it, while others learned it as it grew and became incorporated into every corner of our lives. Now we step back and learn all about the past, present, and future of the internet! Our guests featured this episode are Eric Glaeser, Dorian Gray, Chris Hudson, Chaz Kedezla, Mike Peloquin, and Heiko Spieker!

Experts of Simpsons!

For our unofficial fifth anniversary show, we finally present one of most requested topics, that yellow family on Evergreen Terrace that represents so much of the traditional American family, the Simpsons! With nearly three decades on the air, and a solid decade of awesomeness, there's plenty to cover. Our all-star lineup of Experts is Rex Anderson, Brad Bukowsky, Kathy Carson, Cole Grinell, Bryan Preston, and Michael Ridgaway.

Experts of Disney!

When you wish upon a star, nothing usually happens. They are gaseous entities that expel light and energy, but not wishes. But this isn't a space episode! This is our journey through the Magic Kingdoms of the many fine creations of the Walt Disney company! Content warning: as told through the eyes of our jaded and possibly drunk experts, so not for the little ones. Let them keep their childhood a few more years. Our guests featured this episode are Matthew Casella, Sarah Gorman, Jim Meyer, Molly Regan, Vangie Ridgaway, and Meghan Moran!