Category Archives: Hobo Radio

Hobo Radio 406 – Live from the Inaugural Baltimore Podcast Festival

Lars Periwinkle, along with special guest Patrick Storck, hosted a live Hobo Radio podcast this past Saturday at the Windup Space as part of the first ever Baltimore Podcast Festival. The show was one of three featured, along with The City That Breeds and Dissecting the 80s.

Joel Murphy and Lars preview the live show (and take a few moments to bash Comcast and Domino’s Pizza). Then, during the live show, Lars and Patrick discuss Suicide Squad, The Blues Brothers and national treasure Paul Rudd. They also do an audience-participation Star Wars MadLib.

This week’s music:

  • Intro – “Giddy Up” by Tahuna Breaks
  • Interstitial – “Vishnu Meets Funk” and “Ancient Ritual” by Lucas Perný & Miloslav Kollar
  • End – “The Old Gods” by The Empire Associates


Hobo Radio is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at

Hobo Radio Interviews – Keegan–Michael Key, Kate Micucci and Mike Birbiglia from Don’t Think Twice

Mike Birbiglia’s new film, Don’t Think Twice, tells the story of an improv troupe whose time together comes to an end due to a number of external forces. The film premiered last Friday in New York and proved to be a huge box office success.

To promote the Los Angeles premiere, Joel Murphy was invited to a press luncheon featuring Mike Birbiglia, Kate Micucci and Keegan-Michael Key. The three stars answered roundtable questions from the reporters in attendance. We bring that audio to you today.

Murphy, who has done improv for the past four years, also shares his personal connection to the film.

This week’s music:

  • Intro – “Giddy Up” by Tahuna Breaks
  • Interstitial – “Vishnu Meets Funk” and “Ancient Ritual” by Lucas Perný & Miloslav Kollar
  • End – “Dorothy” by The Quahogs


To listen to more celebrity interviews, click here:

Hobo Radio is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at

For the first time in 11 years, HoboTrashcan is asking for donations from readers. If you enjoy the site and can find it in your heart to donate, do so through the link below. We will use the money to expand the site, giving you more of the reviews, columns, podcasts and other features you love.

Hobo Radio Interviews – Keegan–Michael Key, Kate Micucci and Mike Birbiglia from Don’t Think Twice

Mike Birbiglia’s new film, Don’t Think Twice, tells the story of an improv troupe whose time together comes to an end due to a number of external forces. The film premiered last Friday in New York and proved to be a huge box office success.

To promote the Los Angeles premiere, Joel Murphy was invited to a press luncheon featuring Mike Birbiglia, Kate Micucci and Keegan-Michael Key. The three stars answered roundtable questions from the reporters in attendance. We bring that audio to you today.

Murphy, who has done improv for the past four years, also shares his personal connection to the film.

This week’s music:

  • Intro – “Giddy Up” by Tahuna Breaks
  • Interstitial – “Vishnu Meets Funk” and “Ancient Ritual” by Lucas Perný & Miloslav Kollar
  • End – “Dorothy” by The Quahogs


To listen to more celebrity interviews, click here:

Hobo Radio is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at

Hobo Radio 405 – It’s not the Price is Right (ft. Marty McGuire)

Joel Murphy and Lars Periwinkle are once again joined by their good friend, and fellow Peak Slother, Marty McGuire.

Joel shares the exciting details of his new Hollywood lifestyle, which includes an offer to join Scientology and inside tips on how to get picked for game shows. They also talk Matt Damon being bummed about by his depiction in Team America, the Divergent series’ direct-to-TV final installment and Keanu Reeves’ eclectic career.

How did Christopher Scarborough and Joe Taylor achieve the fist special effect in their 48 Hour Film? Who is a better actor – Keanu Reeves or Ben Affleck? Is Marty now the show’s producer? The answers to these questions and more are in this week’s podcast.

This week’s music:

  • Intro – “Giddy Up” by Tahuna Breaks
  • End – “I’m Done” by Macy Medford


Hobo Radio is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at

For the first time in 11 years, HoboTrashcan is asking for donations from readers. If you enjoy the site and can find it in your heart to donate, do so through the link below. We will use the money to expand the site, giving you more of the reviews, columns, podcasts and other features you love.

Hobo Radio 405 – It’s not the Price is Right (ft. Marty McGuire)

Joel Murphy and Lars Periwinkle are once again joined by their good friend, and fellow Peak Slother, Marty McGuire.

Joel shares the exciting details of his new Hollywood lifestyle, which includes an offer to join Scientology and inside tips on how to get picked for game shows. They also talk Matt Damon being bummed about by his depiction in Team America, the Divergent series’ direct-to-TV final installment and Keanu Reeves’ eclectic career.

How did Christopher Scarborough and Joe Taylor achieve the fist special effect in their 48 Hour Film? Who is a better actor – Keanu Reeves or Ben Affleck? Is Marty now the show’s producer? The answers to these questions and more are in this week’s podcast.

This week’s music:

  • Intro – “Giddy Up” by Tahuna Breaks
  • End – “I’m Done” by Macy Medford


Hobo Radio is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at

For the first time in 11 years, HoboTrashcan is asking for donations from readers. If you enjoy the site and can find it in your heart to donate, do so through the link below. We will use the money to expand the site, giving you more of the reviews, columns, podcasts and other features you love.