Category Archives: Hobo Radio

Hobo Radio 408 – Mutton Puncher

As promised last week, Joel Murphy and Lars Periwinkle discuss Jared Leto’s unique brand of “method acting,” which involved sending his Suicide Squad costars used condoms and dead rats. And they try to figure out what’s worse – Jared Leto or Ledo pizza.

They also talk about a deeply-buried government conspiracy that goes all the way to the top of NASA to hide … something. And Lars looks for a new curse word.

What really happened with the spacecraft NASA lost contact with for two years? What curse word should Lars start saying? Does Batman have a diary? The answers to these questions and more are in this week’s podcast.

This week’s music:

  • Intro – “Giddy Up” by Tahuna Breaks
  • End – “Happy Lies” by Max Fred Band


Hobo Radio is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at

Hobo Radio 408 – Mutton Puncher

As promised last week, Joel Murphy and Lars Periwinkle discuss Jared Leto’s unique brand of “method acting,” which involved sending his Suicide Squad costars used condoms and dead rats. And they try to figure out what’s worse – Jared Leto or Ledo pizza.

They also talk about a deeply-buried government conspiracy that goes all the way to the top of NASA to hide … something. And Lars looks for a new curse word.

What really happened with the spacecraft NASA lost contact with for two years? What curse word should Lars start saying? Does Batman have a diary? The answers to these questions and more are in this week’s podcast.

This week’s music:

  • Intro – “Giddy Up” by Tahuna Breaks
  • End – “Happy Lies” by Max Fred Band


Hobo Radio is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at

Hobo Radio 407 – Butter is a young man’s game

Joel Murphy and Lars Periwinkle are back with a traditional show. And they’ve got a lot to talk about.

The dynamic duo offers their in-depth, insightful Olympics coverage. They also talk about Swedish Fish Oreos, Larry Wilmore’s The Nightly Show being canceled and the toxicity of movie theater popcorn butter.

Why isn’t Lars talking to his co-host? Why does Joel know so much about cookies? Can you ever truly wash off movie theater butter? The answers to these questions and more are in this week’s podcast.

This week’s music:

  • Intro – “Giddy Up” by Tahuna Breaks
  • End – “#MakeAChange” by Jay Kirk


Hobo Radio is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at

Hobo Radio 407 – Butter is a young man’s game

Joel Murphy and Lars Periwinkle are back with a traditional show. And they’ve got a lot to talk about.

The dynamic duo offers their in-depth, insightful Olympics coverage. They also talk about Swedish Fish Oreos, Larry Wilmore’s The Nightly Show being canceled and the toxicity of movie theater popcorn butter.

Why isn’t Lars talking to his co-host? Why does Joel know so much about cookies? Can you ever truly wash off movie theater butter? The answers to these questions and more are in this week’s podcast.

This week’s music:

  • Intro – “Giddy Up” by Tahuna Breaks
  • End – “#MakeAChange” by Jay Kirk


Hobo Radio is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at

Hobo Radio 406 – Live from the Inaugural Baltimore Podcast Festival

Lars Periwinkle, along with special guest Patrick Storck, hosted a live Hobo Radio podcast this past Saturday at the Windup Space as part of the first ever Baltimore Podcast Festival. The show was one of three featured, along with The City That Breeds and Dissecting the 80s.

Joel Murphy and Lars preview the live show (and take a few moments to bash Comcast and Domino’s Pizza). Then, during the live show, Lars and Patrick discuss Suicide Squad, The Blues Brothers and national treasure Paul Rudd. They also do an audience-participation Star Wars MadLib.

This week’s music:

  • Intro – “Giddy Up” by Tahuna Breaks
  • Interstitial – “Vishnu Meets Funk” and “Ancient Ritual” by Lucas Perný & Miloslav Kollar
  • End – “The Old Gods” by The Empire Associates


Hobo Radio is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at