Category Archives: Hobo Radio

Hobo Radio 520 – Lesbians from Nova Scotia


Joel Murphy and Lars Periwinkle discuss gender reveal parties and co-ed baby showers, which they are not fans of. They also discuss the decision they both made as teenagers to quit sports to pursue theatre. And Joel gives Gwyneth Paltrow an “open-faced compliment sandwich.”

Who are the people who loved high school? How can you tell if the pizza man at your door is a drummer? Was Gwyneth Paltrow in Spider-man: Homecoming? The answers to these questions and more are on this week’s show.

This week’s music:

  • Intro – “Giddy Up” by Tahuna Breaks
  • End – “Stories and Poetry” by November Polaroid

Hobo Radio is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at

Hobo Radio 519 – Sea witch (ft. Molly Regan)


Joel Murphy and guest host Molly Regan remember the late, great Rip Torn and share their thoughts on who should play Ursula in the live action Little Mermaid.

Will Molly and Joel be okay without a common enemy to unite them? Who pulled a knife out during an altercation between Rip Torn and Dennis Hopper? Who has what it takes to be Ursula? The answers to these questions and more are on this week’s show.

This week’s music:

  • Intro – “Giddy Up” by Tahuna Breaks
  • End – “Poor Unfortunate Souls” by Jonathan Young

Hobo Radio is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at

Hobo Radio 518 – Magneto is defeated


Joel Murphy and his wife Molly recently had a date night that included a retro arcade and German food. Joel shares the details of this very romantic night out with his co-host Lars Perwinkle.

They also discuss the plot of the new film Yesterday, which is set in a world where only one man remembers The Beatles. They workshop better pitches for the film.

What happened to Big Vinegar? What is Joel’s go-to classic arcade game? What if no one remembered Weird Al? The answers to these questions and more are on this week’s show.

This week’s music:

  • Intro – “Giddy Up” by Tahuna Breaks
  • End – “Change” by The Paint

Hobo Radio is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at

Hobo Radio 517 – Sadness porn


Joel Murphy and Lars Periwinkle put rice and potatoes on blast. Starting today, they’re expecting more from their starches.

Also, Joel offers to fight Justin Bieber in Tom Cruise’s place, Joel and Lars try to get to the bottom of why Hollywood can’t get the X-Men: Dark Phoenix saga right and they do some of their legendary improv.

Is Lars lying to the audience? Who is winning in the battle between Scientology and Christianity at mall kiosks across America? Should you Google “sadness porn”? The answers to these questions and more are on this week’s show.

This week’s music:

  • Intro – “Giddy Up” by Tahuna Breaks
  • End – ” the mashed potatoes (it’s the lettuce)” by FortyOne

Hobo Radio is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at

Hobo Radio Interview – James Ward Byrkit (Coherence fifth anniversary chat)


Following up on his 2014 interview with the co-writer/director of Coherence, Joel Murphy takes a deep dive into James Ward Byrkit’s career.

They discuss his days as a storyboard artist for the Pirates of the Caribbean films, his work on the animated film Rango and Coherence‘s cult success in the five years since its release.

If you are a fan of Coherence who lives in LA, make sure to buy tickets to the fifth anniversary screening at the Vista Theater on September 12, which will feature cast members and other special guests, limited edition merchandise, behind-the-scenes stories of the filmmaking and other surprises. Tickets are available here.

This week’s music:

  • Intro – “Giddy Up” by Tahuna Breaks
  • Interstitial – “Vishnu Meets Funk,” “Give It (All Night Long” and “Ancient Ritual” by Lucas Perný & Miloslav Kollar
  • End – “Knocking at My Window” by Back Up Jackson

Find more interviews here:

Hobo Radio is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at