A new Vietnam War film plans to bring James Dean back as its leading man using CGI. This week, Joel Murphy and Lars Periwinkle try to figure out why anyone would do that.
They also discuss which films would be better with Muppets in them and they take a look back at the John Wick franchise.
The Simpsons‘ annual “Treehouse of Horror” specials have become a celebrated tradition. For 29 years, the show has served up three Halloween-themed, non-canonical stories every October. However, in recent years, they haven’t been very good.
Still, Joel Murphy and Lars Periwinkle continue to watch these specials. This week, they try to figure out why. They share their thoughts on this year’s special and the later years of the show in general.
They also discuss the new Star Wars trailer (which Lars refuses to watch).
This week’s music:
Intro – “Giddy Up” by Tahuna Breaks
End – “Halloween (Remix)” by The Coffinshakers
Hobo Radio is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at PeakSloth.com.
Todd Phillips’ Joker film (and the bizarre press tour leading up to the premiere) has been a frequent topic of discussion on Hobo Radio. Now that the movie is finally out in the world, Joel Murphy and Lars Periwinkle share their thoughts on Joker in what will (hopefully) be the last time they discuss it on the show.
Did they enjoy the film? How did it rank among other DC Comic films? Is there any way it might tie into a larger cinematic universe? The answers to these questions and more are on this week’s show.
Todd Phillips was sitting on top of the world. His new film, Joker, was getting critical acclaim on the film festival circuit and was already being considered an Oscar contender. Then, for some reason, he decided to go on the attack; destroying all goodwill by attacking “PC culture” for pushing him out of comedy and into comic book homages to Martin Scorsese films.
Joel Murphy and Lars Periwinkle try to make sense of Todd Phillips disastrous press tour and take a close look at the clip he leaked to Jimmy Kimmel of Joker star Joaquin Phoenix yelling at the film’s cinematographer.
Why so serious, Todd Phillips? What major film franchises could have their rights revert back to the writers? Is Todd Phillips here for the gangbang? The answers to these questions and more are on this week’s show.
Joel Murphy and Lars Periwinkle discuss the news that Sam Neill, Jeff Goldblum and Laura Dern will all be returning for the next Jurassic World sequel. They also take a deep dive into the recently-announced Billy Joel anthology television universe.
What will be the relationship status of the original Jurassic Park trio in this new film? What musician’s catalogue would make the best world for a television series? Alan? The answers to these questions and more are on this week’s show.
This week’s music:
Intro – “Giddy Up” by Tahuna Breaks
End – “Coffee” by Cambo
Hobo Radio is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at PeakSloth.com.