Category Archives: Batman

Silver Linings Playback 10 – Batman & Robin


Joel Murphy and Andy McIntyre are continuing their quest to watch maligned movies in hopes of finding a silver lining.

For the month of July, they are watching maligned superhero movies.

They start the month with Batman & Robin, which is generally regarded as the low point in Batman movies. (It ended the franchise launched by Tim Burton and Michael Keaton and convinced Warner Bros. to reboot everything, which lead to Batman Begins.) Joel and Andy pay tribute to its beloved director – the late, great Joel Schumacher – and find the film’s silver lining.

Theme Song: “Bankin’” by Bronson Scott

Silver Linings Playback is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at

Hobo Radio 554 – Schumacher!


Joel Murphy and Lars Periwinkle pay tribute to the late, great Joel Schumacher, who is mostly remembered as the director of Batman Forever and Batman and Robin. They also make sure to highlight some of the other films in his eclectic career, including Phone Booth, A Time to Kill and Falling Down.

The dynamic duo also try to make sense of the Michael Keaton Batman casting rumors, discuss Tina Fey’s decision to pull four episodes of 30 Rock featuring blackface from streaming services and touch on Raphael Bob-Waksberg’s recent comments on casting a white actress to play Diane in BoJack Horseman.

This week’s music:

  • Intro – “Giddy Up” by Tahuna Breaks
  • End – “Gypsy Cowgirl” by Liah Alonso

Hobo Radio is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at

Hobo Radio Interview – Remembering Dennis O’Neil


Comic book legend Dennis O’Neil passed away at the age of 81. O’Neil was a writer for both Marvel and DC Comics from the 1960s through the 1990s. He created Ra’s and Talia al Ghul and, as DC’s Batman editor, oversaw the Knightfall storyline that introduced the world to Bane.

In 2012, Joel Murphy interviewed O’Neil for an article about Bane to introduce causal fans to the character before the release of Christopher Nolan’s film The Dark Knight Rises. Most of the interview, unfortunately, ended up on the cutting room floor and has never been heard before. But today, to honor the man and his amazing legacy, Murphy is releasing the full, unedited 40-minute interview for the first time.

This week’s music:

  • Intro – “Giddy Up” by Tahuna Breaks
  • Interstitial – “Glass Android” by Lee Rosevere

Find more interviews here:

Hobo Radio is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at

Hobo Radio 529 – A Joker deep dive


Todd Phillips’ Joker film (and the bizarre press tour leading up to the premiere) has been a frequent topic of discussion on Hobo Radio. Now that the movie is finally out in the world, Joel Murphy and Lars Periwinkle share their thoughts on Joker in what will (hopefully) be the last time they discuss it on the show.

Did they enjoy the film? How did it rank among other DC Comic films? Is there any way it might tie into a larger cinematic universe? The answers to these questions and more are on this week’s show.

This week’s music:

  • Intro – “Giddy Up” by Tahuna Breaks
  • End – “Never Really Change” by Derek Clegg

Hobo Radio is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at

Hobo Radio 528 – Todd Phillips is here for the gangbang


Todd Phillips was sitting on top of the world. His new film, Joker, was getting critical acclaim on the film festival circuit and was already being considered an Oscar contender. Then, for some reason, he decided to go on the attack; destroying all goodwill by attacking “PC culture” for pushing him out of comedy and into comic book homages to Martin Scorsese films.

Joel Murphy and Lars Periwinkle try to make sense of Todd Phillips disastrous press tour and take a close look at the clip he leaked to Jimmy Kimmel of Joker star Joaquin Phoenix yelling at the film’s cinematographer.

Why so serious, Todd Phillips? What major film franchises could have their rights revert back to the writers? Is Todd Phillips here for the gangbang? The answers to these questions and more are on this week’s show.

This week’s music:

  • Intro – “Giddy Up” by Tahuna Breaks
  • End – “Say Goodnight” by Mild Wild

Hobo Radio is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at