Marty and Jonathan are back! This week, with their friend Kristen, they talk about a movie that never had a sequel, Earth Girls are Easy. Why has this masterpiece never been touched since the 80s? What would a sequel look like? How sexy is Jeff Goldblum?
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How Was It? • Ep 86 – Sobriety with Ti
Marty and Jonathan sit down with Ti to discuss the 7 month journey of sobriety. What lead Ti to make a change and are their obstacles in the way?
Are You A Wizard? • Ep 95 – Pinball with Pat
Marty and Jonathan head to a local resturant that is home to a room of pinball machines. There, they meet up with their guest, Pat. Discussing what makes a pinball machine, how do you become one with the machine, and why are the lights so bright makes this week spring to action.
Who Makes? Who Takes? • Ep 74 – Sweaters for Cats
Jonathan and Marty look to warm up this week. Ivana Helper, world renowned philanthropist, brings some of her sweaters for nude cats in with her. What are her next steps and will she branch out?
Did You Cover Your Tracks? • Ep 57- Currency
Marty has vanished but the show must go on. Jonathan and special co host Richard sit down with Linda Sterling to discuss life without traceable currency. No credit cards, no checks, and no banks. We're only dealing in bills and coins.