All posts by Silver Linings Playback

Silver Linings Playback 35 – Best movie pitches 2020

Normally, Joel Murphy and Andy McIntyre watch maligned movies and find their silver linings. However, along the way, they keep pitching brilliant movie ideas.

So this week, instead of reviewing a film, we are sharing their best movie pitches from 2020. If you are a Hollywood producer looking for a guaranteed payday, make sure to listen and then write them both a big, fat check.

Theme Song: “Bankin’” by Bronson Scott

Jason Goes to Court movie poster

Silver Linings Playback is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at


Silver Linings Playback 34 – Star Wars Holiday Special

Joel Murphy and Andy McIntyre watch maligned movies and find their silver linings. For the month of December, they are watching Christmas movies.

When Silver Linings Playback launched in May, Joel and Andy spent the month watching maligned Star Wars films. So it’s only fitting that they end the year by watching the 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special, a made-for-TV movie so reviled that for years the cast refused to talk about it in interviews and George Lucas tried to have all copies destroyed.

[Editor’s Note – While it isn’t officially streaming anywhere, bootleg copies of the special can be found on YouTube, including this link right here.]

Theme Song: “Bankin’” by Bronson Scott

Star Wars Holiday Special

Silver Linings Playback is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at


Silver Linings Playback 33 – The Dog Who Saved Christmas

Joel Murphy and Andy McIntyre watch maligned movies and find their silver linings. For the month of December, they are watching Christmas movies.

This week, they watch the 2009 made-for-TV movie The Dog Who Saved Christmas, which is essentially a lazy ripoff of Home Alone, but with a dog protecting the house from a team of robbers lead by Dean Cain.

Theme Song: “Bankin’” by Bronson Scott

Silver Linings Playback is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at


Silver Linings Playback 32 – Last Christmas

Joel Murphy and Andy McIntyre watch maligned movies and find their silver linings. For the month of December, they are watching Christmas movies.

They kick off the month with Last Christmas, a film that fittingly was released last Christmas. It stars Emilia Clarke as Kate, a Christmas store elf who is having a rough time until she meets the mysterious Tom (Henry Golding), who helps her become a better, more responsible person.

Theme Song: “Bankin’” by Bronson Scott

Emilia Clarke and Henry Golding in Last Christmas

Silver Linings Playback is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at


Silver Linings Playback 31 – Heist

Joel Murphy and Andy McIntyre watch maligned movies and find their silver linings. For the month of November, they are watching heist films.

They close out the month with the on-the-nose pick, Heist. The film, starring the eclectic cast of Robert De Niro, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Kate Bosworth, Morris Chestnut, Dave Bautista, Gina Carano and Mark-Paul Gosselaar, revolves around a casino heist gone wrong where the robbers are forced to hijack a bus to flee from the cops.

Theme Song: “Bankin’” by Bronson Scott

Silver Linings Playback is part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at