Where DID Dad's hair go? Prior to last week, Shawn was big on long communicating well with his hairdressers. Never once did a professional mess up his hair so badly that he wanted to cry. Well, he finally found the barber to take his good haircut streak and throw it all out the window.
He's bald.
(Actually, he has a buzzcut, which Carter finds hilarious.)
Also, they've gone to the beach a bunch this month, so we're going to talk about Carter's favorite (if he has one).
Mixing Engineer: Jonathan Melcher
Potato Salad Marmalade is a proud member of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network.
On this week's show, Shawn and Carter get a break from the ordinary and take the Smith family down to Florida via Dad's car. Everyone's packed in for the trip and it makes for a lot of fun. Car games were played on the way down from Maryland and, of course, Carter crushed it at I, Spy.
In the spirit of competition or debate, the guys decided that they should carry this spirited conversation over to the show, talking about what they'd choose among several top options. Having spent more time in a pool, will floats finally get some love, or are they "not his thing?" Where does each state that the family drove through rank on a scale of 1-5? Let's hear it on this week's show!
Mixing Engineer: Jonathan Melcher
Potato Salad Marmalade is a proud member of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network.
All it takes is one trip, just ONE trip, to the ocean and Carter seems hooked. Hours were spent trying to body surf the waves and it was great to watch. Will this boy be forever hooked on saltwater or is the fresh water of a nice pool still something he loves? Does he even have to choose which is best? (Actually, that was his idea.) Now that he's been in the water that long, what will he say is his favorite kind of body of water: oceans or pools?
Also, the school year is ending today. What nice things does Carterman have to say about the year and to his friends and teachers? This kid is a well of kindness.
Mixing Engineer: Jonathan Melcher
Potato Salad Marmalade is a proud member of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network.
Carter wanted to go. Dad didn't want to go at all, but he's never one to say no to the kid...or to a challenge. This week, Shawn and the little guy go head-to-head at the Howard County-Patapsco Valley Hot Dog Eating Contest and someone is going to be filled with regret. No spoilers. Also, the boys talk about their favorite non-ice cream Summer treats. Yummy to the max!
Mixing Engineer: Jonathan Melcher
Potato Salad Marmalade is a Proud Member of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network.